New course for Fall '24
PLSCI 4450/6450: Urban plants and public health
This class examines how urban plants affect public health (e.g., air pollution reduction, temperature regulation, etc.,). We will also explore the causes and health consequences of variation in urban plant composition, environmental justice perspectives, the effects of policies and management approaches, and the impacts of climate change. This class centers on peer-reviewed literature; students will read several journal articles each week. Students will work in small groups to extract equations from the literature and use them to quantify the ecosystem (dis)services provided by street trees in Ithaca. Groups will share their results in presentations and written reports and revise their reports in response to peer reviews. Students enrolled in the graduate portion of the class will synthesize these reports into a manuscript that we aspire to submit to a peer-reviewed journal.
Check out the draft syllabus and feel free to reach out to Dr. Dan Katz ([email protected]) with any questions.
PLSCI 4450/6450: Urban plants and public health
This class examines how urban plants affect public health (e.g., air pollution reduction, temperature regulation, etc.,). We will also explore the causes and health consequences of variation in urban plant composition, environmental justice perspectives, the effects of policies and management approaches, and the impacts of climate change. This class centers on peer-reviewed literature; students will read several journal articles each week. Students will work in small groups to extract equations from the literature and use them to quantify the ecosystem (dis)services provided by street trees in Ithaca. Groups will share their results in presentations and written reports and revise their reports in response to peer reviews. Students enrolled in the graduate portion of the class will synthesize these reports into a manuscript that we aspire to submit to a peer-reviewed journal.
Check out the draft syllabus and feel free to reach out to Dr. Dan Katz ([email protected]) with any questions.